I'm Danny the

I specialize in front-end development and UI/UX design

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About Me

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My name is Danny Beltran and I am a recent grad from the Univeristy of California, Irvine. My degree is in Informatics with a specialization in Human-Computer Interaction(or HCI). I first started my journey as a UI/UX designer; making wireframes, storyboards, mockups, and so on. Next, I began to take on the role of UX reseacher by preparing and leading interviews, conducting user tests (a/b testing, card sorting, wizard of Oz, etc), and making sense of all the data. This was very exciting to me but I wanted to do something that involved writing code. This is when I started focusing my skills on web development; primary on the front-end. I have much experience working in team based projects but also deligate time to test my skills by creating projects by myself (such as this one). I am currently looking for a career in front-end development or UI/UX design.

Take a look at my Resume